Updated: Apr 1, 2021 I like to begin my monthly posts with a quote that embodies the theme of the month. As I was contemplating the Aries and Taurus energies that we will be experiencing in the month of April, I felt qualities of the following welling up inside of me: courage, hope, adventure, impulsiveness, birth, […]
Intuition MUST lead the way! June 2021 Celestial Wisdom
Updated: May 31, 2021 *** Disclaimer~ I am writing this blog just before Mercury stations and retrogrades. Anything goes!***
March 2021 Celestial Wisdom
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.” — Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune in […]
February 2021 Celestial Wisdom
We begin the month of February with Venus moving into Aquarius and Mercury in Aquarius in retrograde motion. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn are in the sign of Aquarius as well giving us greater Aquarian themes throughout the month. Mars is our only personal planet moving slowly and methodically through Taurus all month long, and […]
BIGGEST Month of 2021- January Celestial Wisdom
January 2021 Celestial Wisdom We finished a year sculpted by the Hero’s Journey. Often when a story comes to a close, we believe that it is a “happily ever after” scenario. However, I would like to offer in this blog and upcoming blogs, the continuation story. As we know, life continues to march along and […]
November 2019- Celestial Wisdom
November herald’s Mercury, our planet representing the mind, connection through communication, and transportation in its retrograde motion through deep, penetrating, truth seeking sign of Scorpio. Venus will be in Sagittarius searching for the true meaning of relationships, values, and artful experiences. Mars will be leaving harmony loving Libra and into “let’s get real” Scorpio, it’s […]
December Celestial Wisdom- 2019
As we enter the month of December, Jupiter will be in the last degree of its home sign, Sagittarius. These past 12 months Jupiter has asked us to go on an adventure into our beliefs, our hopes and dreams, gain wisdom through experiences. While this may have felt like a wild ride or quite a […]
December 2020 Celestial Wisdom
Updated: Dec 2, 2020 December is the month of “coming home” as the triumphant Heroes that we are. We have been through one of the biggest battles of our lives in 2020, and are clearly ready to see the payoffs. While life will continue to march on in 2021 and we will have a whole new […]
November 2020 Celestial Wisdom
Step 11- The Resurrection-Scorpio and Sagittarius Season November is the 11th month, the 11th step in the Hero’s Journey, “the Resurrection”. This step and month is all about the final test that we can overcome. The reference to the “resurrection” is about facing the truth about things in our lives that need to be dealt […]