March 2024

It is Pisces Season now and we kick off the month with quite an active sky. Remember that “as above so below”. This means that while the planets do not make something happen to us, we can feel the shifts in energy in our bodies. When we have so much emphasis in one particular sign, we often experience many of the themes associated with the sign. The light side energy of Pisces invites us into compassion, creativity, empathy, openness, romance and psychic information. The shadow side of Pisces stirs up escapism, procrastination, addiction, rose-colored glasses, and deception.
As we start the calendar month, the Sun will be in Pisces and canoodling with Saturn in Pisces, while both planets will be in an opportunistic sextile to Jupiter in Taurus, and Venus in Aquarius will be squaring off with Uranus in Taurus. A few short days after, Mercury, our planet of communication and information moves into Pisces on March 4th. For the next couple of weeks, we may be feeling quite determined to create new and exciting ways to enhance our lives by adding the necessary resources. Where do we find those resources? We create opportunities. A good mantra is “I am in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.” Then stay open and welcoming.
There may be some rich conversations at this time filled with creative ideas allowing us to be in situations that provide the solutions we need. These solutions can feel as though we are healing something from the past, as Mars in Aquarius will be making a sextile to Chiron in Aries on March 5th. The shadow side for this first week of March may show up in the form of our wounds being scratched. How we respond is key. Remember that “we can’t heal what we don’t feel”, and Mars will be driving us right towards themes such as:
- Expressing ourselves uniquely and being okay that others may judge it or not get it
- Sharing our visions and wanting others to be on board, but may have to go at it alone
- Confidence issues
- Fearful to express our opinions- Fear of rejection
We may need to find creative outlets for the energy. Allow whatever comes up to become a tool instead of a weapon.
On March 8th we have mercury canoodling Saturn in Pisces. This happens right before a new moon in Pisces which will also make a sextile to Uranus and Taurus. This is perfect energy for great storytelling. If you’re trying to sell something this is a perfect time to sell your story, your vision, and get others on board. It’s also a wonderful energy to have romantic conversations and fantasize a bit in your relationships. Give yourself permission to Daydream during this time as the insights could be powerful and useful. The shadow side to this energy leading into the new moon is that we could put on rose colored glasses and not see things for what they are.
The new moon offers us opportunities to find great healing and compassion through imagining a better world for yourself and others. There could be a sudden opportunity to gain a particular resource from someone in authority. The Pisces new moon has us asking questions about what it means to truly be one with all things.
- If I was one with all things how would it change my behavior? I
- How would it change my belief system and the way that I approach life?
- What do I want to manifest in the next six months that would be truly healing for myself?
- If there were no boundaries, no restrictions, what would I want to create?
Our human experience involves fears and insecurities which will continue to be stirred up for all of us. So we’re looking for ways in which we can shift our mindset which controls our behaviors.
Shortly after the new moon in Pisces mercury will ingress into the sign of Aries and two days later Venus will ingress into the sign of Pisces where she is quite happy. Mercury in Aries on March 10th activates our mind to become very sharp and quick. It may also activate our tongue to become sharp and quick. Not everything in our head needs to come out of our mouths. However it’s going to be easier for us to say what we think and feel to others when Mercury is in the sign of Aries. This is great if you have been holding back opinions out of fear of rejection or thoughts that may inspire and give you greater confidence. The shadow side when mercury is in Aries is that it often becomes more difficult to remember that our words can harm or heal.
March 12th Venus enters Pisces giving us some lovely romantic, creative, and compassionate energy. Venus helps us to overlook some of the more rash and brash ways that Mercury in Aries communicates. During this transit we tend to put on rose colored glasses and offer a lot more space and grace when it comes to how we interact in our relationships. During this time we tend to fall in love with love itself. It’s great if we have been practicing how to become more loving and compassionate. Compassion is putting yourself in another person’s shoes. So we may find ourselves being much more empathetic during this time which allows us to feel and think the way that others might. A shadow side to this is that we don’t see things clearly and our judgment could be off. We may also be finding ways in which we can bring in income from some spiritual based gift that we offer.
On March 21st the sun enters the sign of Aries officially marking the first day of spring. It is the spring equinox where there is a balance of light and shadow. We often find ourselves feeling quite inspired and as if we’ve woken up from a very long nap and we’re ready now to manifest new and exciting things into the world. The sun in Aries gives us energy and a sense of renewal so that we can get moving on things that may have felt stuck. We often find ourselves more courageous and independent when the sun is in Aries, and a desire to go where angels dare to tread. The caution here is that we do not get swept up in “me me me” attitude and forget that the world is a much bigger place than our own aspirations and ways of doing things.
Sun in Aries things to do:
- Dance like nobody’s watching, and who cares if anyone is!
- Do something that helps build your confidence and makes you feel more courageous.
- Take some risk
- Be spontaneous
During the Sun’s ingress into the sign of Aries, Venus and Saturn will also be canoodling briefly in the sign of Pisces. Saturn will bring a certain sense of reality to the Venus in Pisces energy. So we may find ourselves doing and saying things that we normally wouldn’t, but it’s based on reality versus just fantasy. Keeping one foot in both the imaginal realm and this realistic realm is just what we need for manifesting. This is a great time as well to have conversations that involve fantasy, or activate your imagination bringing you closer in relationship. You may find yourself planning a big project or trip with a partner. The shadow side of this energy is that you may evaluate your relationships and where they have been too restricting and decide to release that relationship or some things within it that have been too restricting. Release isn’t always a bad thing as it can free up our energy for what is really important for us, but there’s always a grief that goes with it.
Keep in mind as well that we have a full moon on the 25th of March in the sign of Libra. This full moon happens to be an eclipse, which packs a power punch for the full moon energy. Eclipses are new or full moons on steroids. We often feel them a month before during and a month after. Full moons tend to have finalization to them. With this full moon being in the sign of relationship oriented Libra our focus is going to be mainly on relationships of all kinds. So if you have been working with a particular theme in your relationships you may finally come up with solutions and answers for it. You could find yourself feeling a little flip flop between what you want and what the relationship wants. And if what you want doesn’t line up with what the relationship wants or vice versa then a big decision will be made. It could be that you transition completely out of the relationship, or you make a decision within the relationship that has you saying goodbye to the old version of you. Whatever the theme is it will be doubly powerful as the full moon is also making a trine to Pluto in Aquarius. This is great energy for breaking free from old patterns that no longer serve, and Pluto offers an outside circumstance to assist us. If we have gotten too comfortable, Pluto shakes us out of our complacency by forcing us to deal with something we would otherwise ignore. The cosmic “shit stirrer” for sure!
Libra Full Moon Eclipse Themes:
- Relationships stay or go!
- Where do I need more balance in my life?
- Revelation of thoughts and feelings in relationship dynamics.
- In order to start something new and better for myself what do I need to let go of to create that space?
Also one other pin on the map is that this eclipse is going to be happening during the very beginning of the shadow period with Mercury going retrograde in Aries in April. This is a good indicator that something from your past is going to come back to be revisited during this eclipse. It could be something you have desired the most is finally coming to fruition. I imagine that these past encounters are going to offer insights, healing, or something even bigger than we can imagine.
Happy March and Spring Equinox!