As we enter the month of December, Jupiter will be in the last degree of its home sign, Sagittarius. These past 12 months Jupiter has asked us to go on an adventure into our beliefs, our hopes and dreams, gain wisdom through experiences. While this may have felt like a wild ride or quite a bit of uncertainty ensued, it wasn’t there to harm us, but to help us gain clarity through experience, not just knowledge. This coming month we can begin to show the world what we have learned, and begin our slow and steady climb up the mountain of life. The good news is that we should have gained quite a bit of wisdom over the past months and years, and hopefully will be able to make better decisions moving forward. We are going to be asked to lead with our hearts not our heads, and to walk our talk, which is easily done when we can keep the faith we cultivated over 2019.
December 2019 promises us many things, but will it deliver? That is the question many of us may be asking ourselves as we look back on the previous year, and begin preparing and planning for 2020. The answer lies in the essence of the Capricorn theme. “Stop talking and start doing.” The January 2020 Capricorn energy is such a big deal in the astrological community for a few reasons. One of them being, we are ending a 33 year cycle and beginning a new one. I will talk more about the January and 2020 energy more as it gets closer. However, I want to bring our attention to a couple of moments this month as it affects us most immediately.
Firstly, we have a full moon in Gemini on the 11th that offers us a chance to find more clarity, have some fun, flirt with our beloveds or a stranger, and connect with those who mean something special to us. This particular full moon may reveal pieces of information needed to make educated decisions about a current situation that has been of concern or worry. This could be particularly good news that comes out of a difficult conversation. Venus the planet of love, beauty, values, relationships, and finances will be quincunx this chatty, flirtatious, effervescent moon, offering just the right amount of irritation or pressure for confessions and truth to be revealed. Mars and Neptune will be dancing harmoniously with each other, offering extra compassion and a dose of fearlessness to broach any subject matter. This is a great time for work reviews, interviews, parties and gatherings, buying engagement rings, deepening commitments, and declaring deeper feelings and intentions. If someone has been holding back their true affections or their underlying intentions to partner with you, then this full moon could shed some light on the situation. It may take an extra dose of faith to believe what they are saying is true, but your body will help you decipher. Remember that lies cannot enter the body, so checking in with ourselves and listening deeply for resonance will help us get to the truth of any subject matter.
December amongst all others in the past 33 years gives us a powerful new moon solar eclipse, where we not only have a chance to leave this year behind, but the last three decades. What a beautiful and powerful set up for our new moon solar eclipse right after Christmas Day, first days of Chanukah, and Kwanzaa. Personally, I love how these traditions are falling on the energy of the eclipse, and compliment each other in beautiful ways. It reminds me once again, that although we may have different expressions of the meaning of life, love, and the human experience, we are all deliciously and divinely human. If you are reading this, and have not lived a full 33 years yet, don’t worry. You are on the leading edge of great change. Your invitation is to show up, roll up your sleeves, and get your hands in the dirt. This new moon eclipse is offering us a chance to begin to build the structures in our lives that have great meaning and can stand the test of time.
This particular new moon eclipse may have us evaluating and planning how we can be of greater use to society, our loved ones, or those who circle around us in our everyday lives. We have been working hard on developing our strong sense of inner authority, authenticity, and expressing love’s potential through our actions and energy. Instead of New Year’s resolutions we may be working on ways to give more than we get, or offer leadership to others through authentic example and role modeling. Yes, we may also see the beginning of certain structures, institutions, and governments falter and eventually crumble. However, this is a necessary part of the transformation and evolutionary process. Whatever fears have held us captive, stifled our growth, or limited our ability to heal must be made conscious so that they can be dismantled. Many of us will be more determined than ever to get a plan together for areas of our lives that needs to be managed. Plans, budgets, health regimens, and de-cluttering may call our attention. Jupiter and Uranus will be in harmony all month offering sweet and sudden surprises in how we work with our physical world. Whatever we feel needs to be made a reality, can have opportunities to manifest. Remember that eclipses have long-term effects so whatever we put into motion, may be difficult to undo down the road. Big decisions should be tempered with love, compassion, and inner authority or resonance. If we have faced situations where power and control has been an expression of abuse, we will start to find new ways to remove ourselves from these situations, and set ourselves on a different path.
I dubbed 2019 the year of “no more excuses”, and this eclipse will now offer the 2020 theme of “Stop talking, start doing and if you are doing, you had better walk your talk.” This is the great duality of Saturn the ruler of Capricorn. Jupiter in Capricorn will be canoodling with this new moon asking us to use self-discipline as a way of keeping ourselves from over indulgence, false hope, or arrogance run amok. This is a perfect new moon to not only believe we can accomplish whatever we set our hearts and minds to, but know with great certainty it can be done because we have a plan and are facing reality. Use this month to find clarity for your own sense of self and belief systems that can anchor into manifestations through the lens of the heart. Climbing the next year’s mountains will take all the heart we can muster, and when we lead with the heart we will naturally attract others to climb with us. What a gift we can be to one another! Happy December!
Some other dates to note:
December 2: Jupiter enters Capricorn
December 9: Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 11: Venus conjunct Saturn/Capricorn
December 12: Full moon in Gemini— Chiron direct in Aries
December 13: Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
December 20: Venus enters Aquarius
December 21: Winter Solstice- Sun enters Capricorn
December 26: New Moon Solar Eclipse- Capricorn
December 28: Mercury enters Capricorn