August 2024

Here we go! Another Leo/Virgo Season is upon us and so much is happening in the cosmos, both collectively and individually. We are currently witnessing the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France, the USA is gearing up for another Presidential Election, and there is much unrest in various areas of the world. Mother Nature is readjusting herself and we are trying our damndest to survive. It often seems as though right when we feel a little more stabilization, we are knocked down by a wave of uncertainty and chaos. Yep! Welcome to the human experience. However, we are evolving and learning that now, more than ever, it is time to work together, information is power, and there really is strength in numbers.
The month of August reminds us that leading with our hearts will be crucial for keeping ourselves stabilized, and staying poised and organized can help to give us a better sense of security and command over situations. We begin the calendar month with Leo energy illuminating all the areas of our lives that need more heart energy infused into them. What does that really mean? We often misinterpret heart energy for romantic love. The romantic love energy is stored in the story and interpretation of the third chakra, and often destabilized thereby giving way to projection and misinterpretation. When we are leading with our hearts we are free, full of compassion, and have no need for anything to feel complete. We know that we are whole and complete just as we are…that we are love itself. We are being asked to evaluate the areas of our lives where we are projecting and misinterpreting the energy, and transform it through the cremation grounds of the heart.
This theme is emphasized at our Leo New Moon on August 4th, inviting us to pause, evaluate, and drop our head into our hearts. We may be prodded by external circumstances at this time as Venus, Neptune and Pluto will be in a Yod configuration. A Yod or “Finger of Fate or God” is an aspect in astrology that is much like the hero’s journey. We feel a sense of fatedness or purpose that MUST be fulfilled, but will have to face our demons or fight the dragon guarding the treasure of wisdom and evolution. We will need to dig deep and use our skills and tools, and may feel as though we have had to take on many battles before winning the war. The war within is often the hardest to fight through, but if we can stay the course we may find ourselves on the other side stronger and wiser than before. Themes regarding relationships, finances, and what we value will be prominent during this time. With Pluto and Neptune involved, the dragons we fight may be feelings of powerlessness, control, deception, escapism and desire. For example, we may be faced with a situation in a relationship where we feel we have no control over, and it stirs up our fears and insecurities. Will we respond or react? Will we fight or abandon ship? Will we ask for help or isolate ourselves? Whatever is brought to the surface will be available for exploration and an invitation for growth.
The themes of this new moon will most likely be revisited through the entire month of August as Mercury will retrograde from August 5th until the 28th. Mercury will begin in its home sign of Virgo and retrograde back into Leo at 21 degrees before stationing direct on the 28th. We will have multiple opportunities to re-evaluate how we want to respond vs react or gain clarification on situations. All the “re” energies will knock at our door in some way. People and situations from the past will return so that we can put some things to rest that may have been stagnant for too long. Mercury retrogrades often cause a feeling of destabilization, wonkiness, or confusion. I won’t offer a “how to survive a Mercury retrograde” list here, but I will offer how to stabilize during a Mercury Retrograde.
- Stay open and curious. Remove assumptions. Not everything is as it appears to be.
- Welcome the past. Great time for wrapping things up, especially if they have been distracting or energy leaks.
- Keep your sense of humor. Remember that we aren’t getting all the information or we are saying one thing and the audience may be hearing something different.
- Don’t take it personally. Every human is experiencing something in their own universe. It appears real to them, just as it does to you. They are revealing to you what is happening inside of them.
- Take regular time outs. If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, discombobulated, etc take a moment of reprieve to regulate and regroup.
- Create intentional delays. If something doesn’t feel right or you are not in a place where you feel stable enough to make a decision, push it off for a while. I love the phrase, “That is interesting, let me get back to you.”
- Communicate that you need time to process or that you are feeling a little “off” so that others can give you the space you need without feeling abandoned by you.
- Don’t force anything. Pushing or forcing will lead to exhaustion, aggressive situations, or require major cleanup down the road.
August 7th Venus and Mercury will canoodle (conjunct) with each other offering lively and provocative conversations and connections. With Virgo energy involved we may find ways to be of greater service to others, check off items on the list of things to do to show that we care, and/or communicate our intentions to get things done in a succinct and effective manner. This is a great time to socialize, announce your plans, and tell others how you feel about them. Creating a safe space with our words will be crucial during this time, so that the sharing is open and vulnerable. This means we welcome everything and see it as a Teacher to us. I love using the practice of spending the day with my first response to everything being “thank you” or “yes and”. This mindset allows me to trust that everything and everyone is showing up in my world for a reason. Watch the movement of the mind and the interactions we have with our thoughts as they can spin some critical thoughts and negative stories if we are not careful. A good rule of thumb is to talk to ourselves the same way we would talk to another who is going through what we are.
August 8th is the Lion’s Gate Portal. An etheric culmination of intuition, cosmic energy, and energetic downloads that can be intense and possibly overwhelming. It will be important to get grounded, and give ourselves permission to withdraw and offer self care as necessary. Do keep a journal or recording device handy during this time as you may experience some new and innovative things that will take you to the next level of your evolution.
August 13th we have Mars and Jupiter canoodling (conjunct) while the Moon transits through the sign of Sagittarius creating an opposition. This day could stir up a lot of hope and wonder for what we want to explore and learn more about. We may desire more communication and connection with others who can see the big picture and are willing to explore possibilities that have far reaching effects. It’s a great time for staying open to new ideas, and if looking for lively conversations, new friendships, and partying like a rockstar, this is a great day for it. Watch for a case of “verbal vomiting” at this time as well. If you feel like sharing information, researching a topic, or enjoying a lively debate then this is an ideal energy. However, we could also find ourselves in the crosshairs of someone’s verbal attack if we aren’t careful, or maybe we become incensed and passionate about something and forcefully try and get our point across. Not always a great scenario for collaboration and intimacy.
August 18th the Sun and Mercury canoodle (conjunct) pointing us to the halfway mark of Mercury retrograde, AND we have an Aquarius Full Moon. As the Sun and Mercury connect we could find ourselves revisiting the themes that were stirred up at the beginning of Mercury retrograde so that we can rework them and gain greater clarity, or at least set some things in motion that will need more discussion as time goes on. Coupling this energy with the full moon, the information that comes to light may offer some breakthroughs and insights needed to push us to the next level of awareness. With this full moon also falling during a Mercury retrograde, the news we receive may be something from our past that needs to be faced and dealt with once and for all. If you have been waiting on a particular decision, this full moon can offer that decision and you can finally feel as though you are moving forward.
August 22nd the Sun moves into the sign of Virgo giving us further emphasis on precision and details in various areas of our lives. We can find meaning and purpose by doing an inventory of what is working and what isn’t for the betterment of our lives. We may also find a nice boost in our creative side and become energized when we give more care and attention to our physical bodies. Massages, going for a walk in nature, creating a new health routine, or starting a new dietary plan can give us a good sense of pride in ourselves and how we show up for others. If you are feeling a little lost or not quite sure what to do with yourself, the Sun in Virgo pushes us to get out and be of service to something greater than ourselves. This can give us just the right recipe for finding more connection with our true selves and what makes us happy. If we felt our standards were too low in our relationships, this is a great time to re-evaluate them and re-up our standards to offer better quality in our connection with others.
August 28th has a nice exhale of energy as Mercury stations direct in Leo and starts to bring some much needed movement in the various areas that felt stagnant, and clarity starts to come into view in areas of confusion. Pay close attention to something circling back around from mid July for us to think, talk or make decisions about. If you have been trying to find solutions to a particular issue, this is a great time for the answers to get revealed.
Another gift of this day and time is when Venus moves into one of her home signs of Libra. Venus in Libra energizes our relationships with harmony, diplomacy, and lots of flattery. Could be a refreshing energy if there appeared to be too much criticism or combativeness over the last couple of weeks. When Venus is in the air sign of Libra we may feel love is in the air and we will be looking for ways to make things light and lively in our relationships. Singles will love to mingle and couples will find ways to laugh and love more as they socialize with friends and family who energize them. Hope fills the air and we should begin to view the areas we value most with a lighter attitude than before.
Happy August!