Here we go! We are all most likely feeling the deeper dive into all things Scorpio and truth-telling Sagittarius. Not always the easiest energy to deal with especially if our wounds are being scratched and impurities are coming to the surface. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable gives us plenty of opportunity to work hard to find solutions for problems that have been nagging us for a while. The overarching theme for November is TRUST. However, the vibration and essence of this thing called trust is extremely complex and can be difficult to embody. Too many of us have been burned, traumatized, and manipulated creating skepticism at best and paranoia and resentment at worst. Trust doesn’t come easy when painful situations trigger past hurts. The invitation is to practice forgiveness, self-love, and staying open to attracting the right people and situations that align with an open heart. When our hearts are open and liberated, we are able to access the field of infinite possibilities, which is where the magic lives because we are not projecting an already preconceived idea of what something is.
Speaking of magic, we begin the month of November with a Scorpio new moon, riding the waves of Samhain or Hallow’s Eve. Honestly, I can’t think of a more magical and powerful example of Scorpio energy. Deep into the darkness of the underworld we go, where all of the unseen can be lit up, so that we can rediscover or uncover the treasures that live inside of all us and all things. (Mars will oppose Pluto). I, for one, love this time where shadows dance on the walls telling the stories of remembrance and rebirth. As I write this, I had a vision of a dragon dancing over a pile of treasure and humming an intoxicating melody luring us into a trance. This trance allows us to let go and just be with the energy that is moving us. The dragon beckons us to feel our way through the treasures and take the ones that call the most to our souls. This is the essence of integrating the shadow. The magic lies in working with all of the elements within.
Scorpio energy is intense, deeply emotional and psychic, penetrating, and passionate. The intentions we set at this new moon may be ways in which we can create more trust in ourselves and our relationships, form stronger bonds, and/or reignite our passion for someone or something. Consider that new moons are dark moons and can often cause us to feel withdrawn or reclusive. That’s okay! Give yourself over to the moment and remember that in that darkness comes creativity, rest, and rejuvenation. Many of us will be feeling everything intensely! Please remember that the emotions are “energy in motion” and will pass. Saturn is trine to the Sun and Moon, which may make it extremely difficult not to get swept away by our emotions or allow them to get the better of us by overreacting or thinking that what we are feeling is the only reality we will ever experience. Some of us may receive some exciting news or have a conversation with someone that causes us to pivot in a new direction, which will help to shape the next stage of our reality. Gentle reminder: Try not to take this human thing too seriously.
Keep in mind too that with this new moon intensifying Samhain or All Hallow’s Eve, the veil is thin and our loved ones from the other side, ancestors, and spirits from various realms may be easier to access or shove themselves in our faces. If you are inclined to connect with them, do so with great reverence and playfulness at the same time. If nothing else, use this time to honor those who came before as we would not be here without them. Keep in mind that our ancestors desire to connect and work on our behalf. Halloween and the days leading into the weekend after carry an exciting energy.
On November 3, we will have three personal planets in fire signs as Mercury joins Venus in truth telling, adventure loving, philosophical, and open-minded Sagittarius, and Mars ingresses into fun-loving, expressive, and loyal sign Leo. The energy of this day has the element of fire which embodies passion, creativity, life force, and confidence written all over it. We may feel as though we have so much energy to expend, and can easily get caught up in the excitement of whatever is going on. Passions and confidence run high when Mars is in Leo. The shadow side of this energy will be if our egos run amuck and instead of confidence we express arrogance, or exuberance turns into unnecessary, even harmful risks. Find a positive outlet, and stay open to the experiences that you might be called into for self expression. This is a great time to engage with your inner child and or engage with a creative outlet just for the fun of it.
This is the first taste of Mars in Leo as Mars will retrograde starting December 6 thru February 23, 2025. Mars will travel through the early degrees of Leo (6 degrees) before it stations retrograde and moves back through Cancer before returning to Leo in February of 2025. I will share my perspective of this energy in more detail next month. For now what we need to pay attention to are the themes that show up regarding survival, sexuality, taking action, what motivates us, and how we can find more expression, confidence for our heart’s true desires to manifest. I would imagine there will be a few passionate conversations and actions taken that will trigger reactions from our basic needs being met.
While Mercury transits Sagittarius, we may find ourselves fascinated by abstract concepts, seek adventures by watching shows like the Travel Channel, Receivers, Gaia TV, or learning about subject matters that are foreign to us. Our conversations may take on a more abrupt or direct approach, and decisions made could be colored by the idea that we need more freedom and adventure in our relationships and lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if many of our conversations are fueled by the desire for clarity, especially as Venus is making a trine to Chiron. We may have some things from our past in relationships being stirred up again regarding the areas where we feel trapped or that we sacrificed what we wanted for the sake of the relationship. This is a powerful time to set the tone of the conversations for greater understanding and making educated decisions before taking action. One thing to keep in mind, Mercury will retrograde the last week of November which means some of our conversations and decisions at the beginning of the month may be revisited and reconsidered over time and with new information. Keep reading for more about Mercury retrograde when the dates align in this report.
Around the new moon, the Sun began making a trine aspect to Saturn, and just after Mercury ingresses into Sagittarius the Sun and Saturn trine will be exact. I bring this up as the energy leading up to this moment can layer our experiences with intense emotions when our desire for our version of reality appears to be more elusive and illusive than what we say is true. However, if we can use this time to revisit our goals or set new ones, tune into our creative sources, or surround ourselves with the people and things that bring out the best in us, then we may just have a moment when everything comes into alignment and offers us an opportunity we weren’t sure we could have before. Some of us may have something revealed that turns our decisions into actions. An added layer to this energy will be on November 7th when Mercury enters its preshadow, beginning to give us a taste of the themes we will be working through during the Mercury retrograde time.
November 11th Mercury makes a brief square to Saturn while Venus ingresses into Capricorn. What we value most and how we give and receive love takes a more serious turn while Venus is in this sign. The square of Mercury and Saturn emphasizes a tension point that could stir up triggering conversations and a moment when we could blurt something out that the other person takes too literally or seriously. There could be a “clean up on aisle 7” moment, and as my mother likes to say “Messes are made to be cleaned up.” If we can be mindful of our internal triggers and take a moment to self-regulate then we might just avoid the messiness of the moment.
Let’s talk more about Venus in Capricorn. Keywords with Venus are values, relationships, creativity, beauty, and how we give and receive love and affection. Keywords with Capricorn are serious, mature, achievement, determined, loyal and trustworthy. This is because Capricorn is ruled by reality loving Saturn whose philosophy in life is “work hard now, play later” and “anything worth doing is worth doing well.” I just have to inject my opinion about Capricorn and Saturn getting a bad rap. If anyone has a lot of Capricorn in their chart or knows someone influenced with a lot of Capricorn in their chart, then you will know that Capricorns definitely know how to tune into their sensuality and party. Believe when I say that Venus in Capricorn is not boring by any means. This placement tends to take Venusian themes more seriously so that once the relationship is established a fabulous party can be thrown and will be done with mastery.
Believe me when I say that there is a sense of mastery involved with Saturn and Capricorn and that may be the mindset we are in during this transit. Whatever we touch creatively, whatever relationship dynamic we are focused on, or how we give and receive love may be colored with a desire to master it. Mastery offers us the ability to ebb and flow within relationship to all things because we have developed the skills and practiced them so much that they become instinctual. This allows us to trust in the process and go with the flow. (More of that theme of trust). If we are single and looking for love, our profile may read something like this…”Looking for someone who is willing to put in the work to build a long-term relationship, master the art of intimacy, and have some serious fun in the bedroom.” Bonded relationships can get a boost of trust and intimacy when there is a shared goal and commitment to working through anything, no matter how difficult the situation might be. There is an “in it to win it” mentality that helps to take the relationship to the next level. Love is not just a feeling when Venus is in Capricorn. Love is an action and will want some sort of measured results to prove it’s real.
Shortly after Venus moves into Capricorn, Scorpio season will host a Taurus full moon while Saturn stations direct in Pisces on November 15th. We may find ourselves reflecting on themes from the past 6 months (new moon in Taurus back in May) regarding what we may have needed to feel comfortable, safe, and secure within ourselves and our lives. We may have a moment or two when we come face to face with certain decisions that can alter our lives in some monumental way. Keep in mind that if we can stay in alignment with our values when making decisions, then we will be able to have some peace of mind. Full moons are all about releasing, revealing, and allowing the shadow to be expressed in the light of our awareness. We may feel as though we need to “eat our feelings” or find comfort in retail therapy. There is an emphasis on the need for comfort and pleasure. It is a perfect full moon for surrounding yourself with the people and things that just make you feel good. Again, check in with your values before overindulging. Saturn in Pisces will also station direct on this day, nudging us to start manifesting the hopes and dreams we may have only been daydreaming about the past few months. Some projects or spiritual pursuits that have been worked on behind closed doors may now begin to circulate in our social circles. We will be ready to see creation and results from all the creativity, spirituality, or dreamstate revelations.
November 19th invites all those with heavy Capricorn in their chart to rush into the streets dancing, singing, and celebrating as Pluto ingresses into Aquarius to stay for the next 19 years. We have already had a little taste of Pluto in Aquarius over the past 18 months as Pluto has danced between the two signs. However, now Pluto has burrowed into the sign of revolution, science and technology, equality for all, and rebellious loving Aquarius. Let me share my view of Pluto first. I often say that Pluto’s theme is “surrender or die”. This is transformation to the core. Due to the orbit of Pluto and how long it takes to transit a sign, Pluto is considered a generational planet.
However, individually in our lives, Pluto has a deep and penetrating psychological influence on us. Our psyche is a very powerful tool or weapon and without proper training and discipline it can be like a toddler on a sugar high or throwing a temper tantrum. Pluto rules the underworld which is also another way of describing our psyche. The deeper we go into our psyche the more we discover the things hidden from our awareness that have been there all along, waiting for us to shine the light on it. This is the gift of Pluto and why this little dwarf planet is associated with force, power, death and rebirth. In the simplest of terms, when we are faced with situations that we have little if any control over, we may feel forced into making decisions or have conversations that we weren’t fully prepared for. This kind of scenario often stirs up the feeling of being helpless or powerless, which has its own set of psychological reactions and stressors. Keep in mind that once we shine the light of awareness and face whatever it might be, we can begin the alchemical process of transformation, which may aid in our evolutionary process.
This is also why it is so important to put our thinking mind into some sort of training program. I am not talking about the kind you might get a certification for, though that may serve you, but in the practical sense much like a daily physical exercise routine. There are so many various practices that we can use to give the mind its proper training, and just like the muscles in our bodies our minds can develop strength, flexibility, and power. The more we master the mind the more we can take actions that can benefit ourselves and others. Aquarius really is the sign who wants equality for all. If it is good for me, then it needs to be good for you too. The way in which Pluto in Aquarius energy shows up collectively will most likely be through science and technology that focuses on the brain, the mind, space, scientific breakthroughs, and anything that might be of benefit to the human race. I will also say, although I am biased, I believe that astrology will have a larger role to play as a language and understanding in the evolution of our relationships, psyche and soul. Progress is happening whether we like it or not. This is the “forcefulness” of Pluto energy. How we show up for ourselves and work with progress and evolution will determine our next actions. Myself and other astrologers will have the next 19 years to focus on Pluto in Aquarius.
November 22nd the Sun officially kicks off Jupiter ruled Sagittarius season where we may be feeling more jovial, adventurous, open-minded, and ready for some more positivity in our lives. Sagittarius energy loves its freedom, a friendly competition, and is always on the go. Break out your most comfortable footwear and favorite activewear and get moving! Go explore! Do things that allow you to feel alive and energized with whatever brings you joy. There won’t be a dull moment, especially as we will officially be in a Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde shadow creating some inconvenience and havoc in our lives. Luckily, Sagittarian positive attitudes can help to lighten the mood when Mercury is playing the Trickster and Mars is driving our passions inside of ourselves.
Let’s talk about Mercury retrograde. November 25th Mercury, our planet of communication, information learning and sharing, our thinking mind, and connection makes its final retrograde of 2024 in Sagittarius until December 16th. Mercury will station retrograde at 22 degrees Sagittarius and regress all the way back to 6 degrees. I bring this up so that you can start to notice themes, patterns, and conversations that begin around the Taurus full moon (November 15th) until December 31st when Mercury is fully out of shadow. Mercury retrograde invites people and situations from our past to return for us to redo, revisit, rejuvenate, all of the “RE” so that we can take things to the next level.
Personally, I don’t mind Mercury retrogrades as they give us all a chance to slow down, take our time, and reassess things. Many things that we have overlooked or ran by too fast, now become that squeaky wheel begging for our attention. That is why Mercury retrogrades tend to get a bad rap. Consider Mercury retrograde a time when traffic is heavier than usual and it makes you late to your appointment. You are stewing and cursing in your car, and then find out the traffic was due to an accident that if you had been driving any earlier might have just been involved in. Divine intervention was at hand. When we learn to work with the energy and situation, we can allow our irritations to become a deeper level of trust in divine timing and that things can actually be happening for our highest good.
Some things to consider when Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius especially during the holiday season. Because Mercury rules communication, how information is absorbed and shared, and moving things from here to there (transportation), we may notice during the retrograde time that electronics, travel, and communication are all affected in some way. Some astrologers will tell you not to buy electronics or travel during this time. I will tell you that it is perfectly fine to do these things IF you are willing to deal with little irritants along the way. For example, if you do buy a TV or smartphone, get the insurance or warranty as 9 times out of 10 you will need to have something either repaired or replaced on it. It could be a simple irritant like the power cord or cable you need for the item to work isn’t included in the package, and you have to go back to the crowded store or sit on the phone longer than you really have time for. If you are traveling during the holidays, there may be delays, computer snafus, or you may get rerouted. Keep your sense of humor and have a backup plan. Remember too that when Mercury is retrograde information can appear to be “foggier” which lends itself to miscommunication. Not everything is as it appears to be, so try not to overreact or take the first thing at face value.
We finish the month with a new moon in Sagittarius. It is a perfect time to set some intentions regarding areas in our lives that need a bit more open-mindedness, adventure, and positivity. Sagittarius new moons invite us to look at the places where we have lost hope and faith, and find a sense of renewed optimism. This requires us to really look at what is in front of us and take on a sense of adventure and exploration in order to gain different results. We may decide to take on the philosophy that life is a game, and begin to take things less seriously than before. Yes, Mercury will be in its retrograde pattern during this new moon, and may just give us some opportunities and conversations from the past for redos, especially if we feel we missed something important.
Happy November!