Light and Shadow October 2024

There is no doubt that the month of October is setting the stage for epic changes and truths being revealed in regards to how we show up for ourselves first, and then how we can be of greater service to others moving forward. We have the final eclipses in the Aries/Libra series this month starting with the new moon in Libra on October 2nd and the full moon in Aries on the 17th. The overarching themes that occur for us individually will feel “fated” or karmic as chance encounters, random conversations, or major decisions are made that can change our courses for the long term. 

Let’s talk about the new moon eclipse on the 2nd for a moment. New Moons are monthly reset buttons we can use to pause, check in, and refocus our attention and energy on the things that hold the most meaning for us. If we have found ourselves straying off course, we are invited to gently navigate back towards the goals and dreams we wish to experience most. A new moon eclipse is often considered a stronger influence as we can energetically feel a greater pull towards that feeling that “something has to be done, and done now!” A further emphasis on this energy is Pluto at its anaretic degree of 29 in Capricorn. That last degree of a sign often has a feeling of “do or die” associated with it. No wonder we can feel as if we are crawling out of our skin! This new moon eclipse highlights our relationships and as you have heard me say many times, “We are in relationship with something all the time.” These last 18 months have invited us to explore and dive deeper into not only where our relationship to everything has been unbalanced, but what is our mindset regarding the relationship to “this. What is our relationship to our body? Money? Mind? Etc. 

Mercury will be in a tight conjunction aspect during this new moon, which highlights communication and information. We may need to speak truth to ourselves or another, and negotiate a new way of thinking and being when working with others and what we value. This is a perfect new moon for communicating boundaries, speaking from the heart to what we want next, and creating win-win scenarios for subjects that have felt like an impasse. There is a feeling of reconciliation with this new moon, and the new resolve that occurs can result in sustainable outcomes. Definitive decisions made at this time have a sense of finality and no looking back. There may be an important relationship that ends, creating space for a new, healthier one to emerge. Watch out for power plays during this time as well with Venus (Libra’s ruler) in powerful, intensely penetrating Scorpio.  

A few days after the new moon eclipse, on October 7th, Venus and Mars our cosmic lovers will dance in a harmonious trine aspect in water signs Scorpio and Cancer. The days leading up to this aspect could create an environment of sexy, deep emotional connection between ourselves and another person or something we are emotionally bonded to. If you recently met a new partner, this energy offers many intense conversations and experiences that can bond you both very quickly. There is most likely a feeling between you that says, “I feel like I have known you all of my life. This is my person.” If you are in a bonded relationship, you may have quite a bit more fun in the bedroom, enjoy experiences that make you feel inseparable, even finish each other’s sentences or say something the other person is thinking.  Emotional connection is king and I can even see some of us falling in love for the first time or all over again during these days. 

October 9th Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini. The abundance of thoughts and ideas won’t slow down, but become much more internal. We will be invited to collaborate behind the scenes, carve out white space for more strategic thinking, and find inspiration from the inner wisdom that lives inside of us. Many of us will be receiving downloads and “ah-has” when we can spend time alone in contemplation and meditation. The internal chatter may be extreme while Jupiter is retrograde, which may invite us to explore ways to stop the “monkey mind” and calm the nervous system. Mental health, mindfulness, and creative outlets can become a high priority for the next couple of months. 

Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on October 11th and will eventually move out of Capricorn in November completing its long journey through that sign. I know, I can hear all the Capricorns sighing a big sigh of relief. As Pluto makes its last journey through Capricorn, we are invited to look one last time at the shadow side of Capricorn. Where have we used someone or something improperly? Where do we feel insecure and allow our fears and insecurities to sabotage the things that are important to us? Where have we gotten lazy and failed to achieve the goals we set for ourselves? The list goes on. However, if we can face these challenges, these shadows and make a conscious choice to do things out of integrity and in alignment with our values, we can come out the other side wiser, stronger and with a treasure trove filled with rewards. 

October 14th has a cosmic show filled with fireworks and forgiveness. Mercury ingresses into intense and penetrating Scorpio. The Sun in Libra will square off with Mars in Cancer and oppose Chiron in Aries, while Jupiter sexiles Chiron and makes a trine to the Sun. On top of these aspects Venus in Scorpio will oppose Uranus in Taurus. Whew! Anything goes here!  I would venture to say that our wounding could be scratched in some way at this time and how we respond to it will be crucial for our healing journey. This energy occurs only a couple of days before the full moon eclipse in Aries and Venus changing signs into fellow fire sign Sagittarius. Needless to say that on a global level we will need to pay attention to wars, tensions, or skirmishes that occur around this time. Individually, we may feel this energy when someone says or does something that challenges our independence, survival, or threatens something or someone we love. We will be asked to take on a more objective stance and remove some of the emotional triggers so that we can navigate the energy in a healthier more grounded way. If we can keep our intentions to that of “do no harm”, we can still be decisive and direct without damaging the existing relationship. 

While Mercury is transiting through the sign of Scorpio our conversations and decisions will most likely take on a more penetrating quality. We can find ourselves becoming super sleuths, investigators, or inquisitors. We may stop at nothing to uncover the truth, which is great for making realistic decisions, but can also lend itself to paranoia and exhaustion. We can benefit from this energy by getting to the heart of any matter, and using it as a tool for greater self-awareness. I do believe that we may find ourselves on the receiving end of quite a bit of psychic energy. Do follow the pathway to where it leads, but keep in mind that if we don’t really want to know the answers, don’t ask the questions. 

As I pointed to previously we have our last full moon eclipse in Aries on the 17th, while Venus makes her move into Sagittarius. No doubt whatever is released and revealed at this time will have far reaching effects. There is a square with Mars in Cancer (Mars being the ruler of Aries) giving greater emphasis to the necessary tension needed to propel us to release anything that has been holding us back from true freedom and feeling as if we are constantly fighting for survival. There is a lot of heat generated at this full moon with both the Moon and Venus in fire signs. It shouldn’t be difficult to find fuel for the things we are inspired by or passionate about. We will need to pay close attention to passions going unchecked and what may have started as a creative spark or positive note could quickly turn into a wildfire. Emotions can run high at this time as we may find ourselves fighting for autonomy or independence regarding a particular situation or relationship. Our agendas are important, but not at the cost of the bigger picture. There is a push and pull between what we want and how we can include others to accomplish more. Remember that this is an eclipse and with the Mars energy rash decisions can follow with regret, yet there may be a feeling of no going back, especially if critical damage is done. Pay close attention to where the Sun, Moon and Mars reside in your chart during this time, as the theme that shows up may have started back at the Aries new moon 6 months ago. It is a time of completion, and most likely a new chapter begins for many of us. 

While Venus is moving through Sagittarius her gifts of love, beauty, and values are expressed with a sense of freedom, philosophical conversations about love and life, a friendly competition, and a sense of adventure. Our relationships and finances can be blessed when we find more ways to creatively give to others through thoughtful gestures, generous compliments, and greater social activity. There is an abundance of fun to be had when Venus is in Sagittarius, but we do have to watch for overspending or being too abrupt when delivering the truth to others. If relationships have been stagnant or there seems to be a lack of inspiration, plan or take a trip somewhere that is filled with activities and have plenty of intellectual stimulation. This is also a great time to learn more about a particular subject or person for that matter. 

Late on October 22nd the Sun moves into intensely deep, penetrating and mysterious Scorpio. We may become energized with taboo or mysterious subjects that create situations where we have to research or investigate more to understand them or bring information to light. We may be drawn to someone or a situation that we feel deeply emotional about, and become motivated to stop at nothing to find out more. This is a great time to pursue and get cozy with metaphysical skills, magical arts, or shadow work. If you want to connect more with a beloved, say something deep and meaningful that evokes emotion or deep thought and discussion. Do watch out for obsessions and paranoias that can creep in. It is great to research or do investigations before coming to a conclusion. Scorpio energy can cause us to ask so many questions that we spin ourselves in circles, and come up with our own stories and versions that fit our need to feel in control and have answers. This is especially true when our emotions are so intense they feel they are taking over. Definitely lean in on your support team during those times. 

We finish the month with a new moon in Scorpio on the heels of the calendar turning from October to November. Quite auspicious energy with Halloween and all the wonderful energies that this new moon will bring. A new cycle will begin for us to dive deeper into the Great Mystery and the deeper awareness that lies hidden in our psyches. More to come with November’s Light and Shadow report. 

May you all be blessed with a magical October! 

For the effects of the new and full moon by your Sun, Moon and Rising Signs check out my social media….