Astrology Foundations- Module 1

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Wednesday March 8 2023- This class will be recorded.


📍: Online

👥: 10 participants

🗓️: Schedule

Foundations of Astrology
Module 1 of 9

Want to deepen your sense of self-awareness? Embrace and activate your sixth sense? Watch for cycles and patterns that help you align with your true self and self-expression? Begin or continue the journey of healing. Maybe you just want to learn astrology.

Maybe you have questions such as:
Why am I here?
What is my purpose?
How can I break free of limiting patterns?
How can I integrate both light and shadow for wholeness?

This class is for you!

In this 9 Weeks Class you will:
Discover and learn how to read a birth chart
Learn to chart planetary cycles in your daily life and optimize potentials
Develop your intuition and the skills to become your own astrologer
Learn how to interpret the planetary forces at work within your own or anyone else’s natal chart.
Discover the distinctive qualities that each planet takes on through the signs of the zodiac and how they operate at your time of birth
Gain insight into your character and life events
Get a rich understanding of relationships, including romantic, business, and group dynamics from an astrological perspective
Explore the world of planetary timing as you learn how to work with the great power of new and full moons and major alignments in the sky with a glimpse at what’s in store for the year ahead

An interactive, experiential class for the basics of astrology that offer you the information, tools and practices to use astrology for your greatest benefit. The greater self-aware we become the better we can show up for ourselves and others, make conscious choices and take action based on a co-creative mindset versus letting life and external circumstances decide for us. The self-aware we become the more we bring all six senses online and return to our true nature…wholeness, light, and purity.

You will be given assignments after each class, as well as resources to enhance your learning, and Q&A

*** We will use Zoom to connect. All Sessions will be recorded.

When signing up for this class please submit your Full Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth and City and State of Birth. I will send you your natal chart prior to class. I use the Whole House System for interpretation.

About Me

ICF Certified Success Leadership Coach,

Astrologer and  Intuitive Advisor, Thought Leader, Motivational Speaker, Author

What people say about me

Results I have helped create

Working with Jamie is like having a secret ingredient in your pocket. Her coaching gives me a leading edge that others can testify to. I felt like she was listening deeply and looking over all aspects of my life with care and concern for my bigger picture. She especially helped me zero in on my need to make some important changes, and also shed light on a mysterious situation I felt muddled about. I left the session with clear action steps and optimistic for the future.

C.M.Nevada USA

Jamie is compassionate, emotionally strong, and insightful of not only all of your issues and energies, but of herself as well. She is present with full understanding of life experiences and helps bring clarity to the any area of life. Her no nonsense, yet compassionate approach offers empowerment and enlightenment at the same time.

L.P. United Kingdom

I have experienced valuable guidance from Jamie for many years. I know I can trust her in what ever state of mind I am in to help with loving kindness. Jamie has facilitated my peace of mind and helped me to BREATHE. Thank you!

K.DCalifornia USA